My Goodness! Bloggers for Positive Global Change award is “pretty focused on fellow authors of environmental sites”. However; franscud at Caught in the Stream has opted to expand this award to 5 writers in the cosmic blogosphere who are trying to change the world in a positive way. And he has chosen me as one of those authors!
franscud, your expansion of this award is positively uplifting! And for you to consider me as one of the five who is trying to help change the world, in even the smallest of ways on their corner of the web; is extremely appreciated! Thank you franscud!
I am proud to Positively Nominate, “as if they are flowers pushing up through the cracks of drab city sidewalks”, these 5 writers and their blog sites that are making a “Positive Global Change” from their corner of the web, into the blogosphere, and out among the world!
1. Harmony Soup INC by Author Carla Jo Masterson:
“We at Harmony Soup INC feel that we have a responsibility to consciously participate in helping to create a safe and harmonious world for all children, and all mankind.”
Our mission is pure and simple; to help teach common sense and make it clear there are only a few rules we are always meant to live by. They are;
(1) To love yourself. If you love yourself you are and will be safe with you.
(2) To love others, the way you would want to be loved. If you truly love others they are and will always be safe with you.
"Every Child Deserves A Tastes Of Harmony Soup"
The future belongs to them. However, it is all of our responsibility to plant the right seeds in their hearts and minds.
2. Darfur: An Unforgivable Hell on Earth
This site started was started by Cooper at Wonderland or Not in order to bring awareness to:
“They said it could never happen again... But it is happening. Armed conflict in Darfur, Sudan has left over 200,000 dead, forced more than 2.5 million people from their homes and placed millions of people - in Darfur and the neighboring countries of Chad and Central African Republic - at risk of starvation, disease and further attacks. United Nations officials have called this the world's worst humanitarian disaster today. Won't you join us in saving lives?" Larry Cox, Amnesty International USA Executive Director”
3. Your Wisdom Of Total Happiness by Author Zubli Zainordin
“As a thinker, I share a unique view so that you may prefer to review your inner and outer self, then shall you preview your entire life with a total view.”
“Your Wisdom of Total Happiness is a page you can visit as often as you prefer.
The information here is vital and valuable to our life. Thus, it is ageless and not time-bound.
Your Wisdom of Total Happiness provides information to individuals, without being gender specifics, yes…amongst all huwmen (w added to include women), as citizens of the world.
Why am I at this blog? Synergizing with at least one, who aspire to be in synchronicity. Two and beyond in number, is an orchestra. Hul-lla-la.
I am now ready…”Are you?
4. Women Walking In Wisdom’s Footsteps by KWiz
“A teacher of biblical studies at a Christian college-prep high school in Georgia. God orchestrated this as well, as I was blessed with this position right after I completed my Master of Divinity degree at Emory University. I enjoy studying and teaching both Old Testament and New Testament from an academic point of view; it doesn’t negate faith at all, but it does open up the scriptures in a way that adds so much richness to one’s faith, if they allow it. I’ve been teaching on an academic level for seven years now - it is my calling, and I’m so thankful that I was open to receiving what God had for me. I’ll be speaking a bit about calling and how you can go about discovering yours.
These are a few of my many experiences that I hope will enlighten and encourage you as we seek to gain and share wisdom together.”
5. A Hint Of Poetry by Christy
“This is a site about poetry and writing. You will find poetry from around the world, poetry readings, and great writing advice. You are welcome to submit your own poetry for review and possible publication on the site. See the submission guidelines for more information.”
Thank you Christy for keeping Poetry alive! For without Poetry where would the blogosphere be? Where would the world be?
Meme Rules:
It's easy to participate in this meme. At minimum, you can proudly display the BPGC badge (it's available in two varieties: Transparent GIF and JPEG with white background ) on your blog and bask in the glow of our collective good will. If you are sharing the kudos, however, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
The participation rules are simple:
1. When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
2. In your post, make sure you link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you're tagging, so they know they're now part of the meme.
4. Optional: Proudly display the "Bloggers For Positive Global Change" award badge with a link to the post that you write up.
Again, Thank You franscud for nominating me and expanding the context of Bloggers for Positive Global Change award!
Thank you so much, that's very nice of you! I appreciate it. I will be blogging about the award soon. I just created five awards on my WritersReviews.com site and will be passing them out soon, this is like Awards Week for me, lol. I just wish I had a red carpet!
Thanks Again and Take Care:)