Fabulous intellectual, soon to be Married RivKaz, author of Journey with Waterlearner ; has kindly bestowed on me the Power of Schmooze Award! Journey with Waterlearner is a site many should dunk into, for as RivKaz states; “If the reservoir within you is big enough and deep enough, pebbles and stones from the outside world will cause no turbulence in you. At most some ripples that disappears in no time.” RivKaz believes that “Life is a Journey to understand myself through the people around me and the circumstances that we encounter. I very strongly believe that anything and everything that happens to us, happens for a deeper divine reason. It is with such attitude that I strive to learn from water. The Art of Non-Resistance. Courageous Acceptance. I write not to give impressive lists of how-to-do's. My purpose of writing is to help me see inner self clearer and to share my journey with all who, in anyway, my humble records can give them light in.” Again RivKaz, my heart filled Thank you for this networking award!
As no one can ever have enough Schmooze Support, I would like to also thank VByers, Author of many tremendous sites, such as Blogging Black Miami, on the black hand side, Don't Just Play Barbie, Be Barbie!, Straight Up Sister AND Vanessa: Unplugged for concurrently passing the Power of Schmooze Award onto me! Vanessa is a “Fiscal management professional, freelance writer, poet and activist.” Though I like to think of her as, Mz. Queen Vanessa - Humorist and Intellectual Humanistic Schmoozer of Them All! Thank you again Vanessa!
According to Mariuca, schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.
In accordance; I gladly pass the Power of Schmooze Award onto the following Good Schmoozers in the blogosphere:
1) franscud Author of Caught In The Stream ! franscud, where would my writing be without your ever so encouraging Schmoozing! You truly live up to your site tag, “You Comment, I Reply”!
2) lansy Author of A Drop of Tear in Heaven! lansy, where would I be without your humorous Schmoozing! Oh how you always better my days, rather I be down or up, you are there continuously for me and I thank you lansy!
3) Kuanyin Author of many spectacular sites Prolific blogger, journalist, photographer, artist, Reverend, and author ! Know my Friend Kuanyin, that I have noticed and appreciate your support in regularly visiting my site here at Binding Ink! You are a Schmoozer!
4) zephyr1 Author of Climate of Our Future! My Feathered Friend! Need I say more, only to add we are united in the Spirit that Connects us all!
5) And last but not least, in fact the #1 Schmoozer of all time; The Blog Fairy ! She truly is the supreme example of Schmoozing, “effortlessly weaving her way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way”!
There are so many others in my social networking circle who deserve the Power of Schmooze Award; unfortunately I am only allowed to give out five. For everyone else, know in my heart that you are my Schmoozers! And I thank you for all your “meaningful conversations”!
The Creators of the Power of Schmooze Award can be found at Shopautodotca Seo Pink Internet Marketing, "A blog by a girl who is very fond of search engine optimization and blogging from London Ontario Canada. Original entry in the shopautodotca seocontest. internet marketing, search engine optimization, blogging, link love, seo girl, funny things" AND by Ordinary Folk! Ordinary Folk - Music, An Alien named Gummy and a boatload of rambling.
According to Mariuca, schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well.
Sounds like the presenter of said award was quite accurate in their perception of you.
I joined MyBlogLog based on a friend's suggestion and it was to receive an unexpected smile, and happily make a new friend. Honestly though, I've been on the site for about a week now and you're the first person that took the time to say they understand what I'm saying and appreciate it; so even if a million people follow your example, you know what they say about virgins:
Don't leave them alone with the babysitter.
And you know what they say about babysitters...
You always remember your first.
lansy Flex that muscle, you are ever so deserving!
I Hate Artists blush, blush! Thank you! Just a little less crudeness please :), there are still some Ladies in the world! :)
Thank You Jane Doe! Jane Doe Author of Jane's Writing
"my blog where I post all that I write, mostly what I've written of my vampire novel so far, but also some short stories and poems. Some of my writing contains adult content and I can't guarantee that you won't walk away emotionally scarred. But I'm okay with that." One of my favorite spots in the blogosphere!Best enjoyed over a glass of Bloody Mary :)
You're awesome and true to your craft. Others value you and your work. Keep doing your thing. :)
~ V