The “You Make Me Smile Award” was created by tegdirb92 . Thank you tegdirb92 for making this wonderful award that is touching many People and bringing Smiles across the Blogosphere!
This award is passed on to 10 People who make you Smile and Lift you up! Wow, I can think of a whole Community! Unfortunately I can only choose 10. Here are 10 People (in no specific order) who will also Make U Smile. (If you have already received this award, may this add another Smile to your life as you have added to mine!):

Deborah {Climate of Our Future: “A Discussion on Climate Change“}
Francis {Caught In The Stream: “Random and not-so-random thoughts on what I'm reading, watching and hearing as I swim against the currents of the various streams of media and consciousness“}
Sprite {Homespun Honolulu: “Blogs about life in Honolulu and news of interest. I'm hoping that blogging more will allow me to share a unique perspective of things with people…“}
DLW {Don’s Loft: “Into the realm of biblical history, inspirational and personal development“}
abhatnagar19 {Blogging Den: “ it away to glory ! Blogging Den is a place for all like-minded bloggers to hang out and promote their blogs and post reviews ! Join in today!“}
maverickchen {PJ LightHouse: “PJ Lighthouse was conceived to bring "light" to people's lives. Bringing Joy & Hope, Changing lives!“}
SugarQueensDream{ ~~Sugar Queens Dream~~: A blog of Family, Fun, Hopes, and Dreams}
6doinet{Six Degrees of Inspiration: “Connected by Inspiration - A blog with one goal in mind, and that is to inspire, entertain, motivate, and make you think... Just a hodgepodge of wonderful and beautiful writings, pictures, videos, music, and so much more!!!“}
katm0855 {Katie's Crazy Ride: “My site contains just about everything you can think of. From my daily wonderings, random musings, music I'm listening to, my favorite show "Lost", and the entertainment world; I'm sure that you're bound to find something interesting here!“}
Doddie {Rainbow after the Storm: “An Inner Rainbow in our Soul“}
Thank you again Zubli Zainordin and Shinade!
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