This award was presented to me by Zephyr. Zephyr is a remarkable person of personable character and Spirit; with a blog about an important environmental issue, the Climate of Our Future.
Foremost; Thank You Zephyr, blogger of Climate of Our Future for “thinking of me as a thinking blogger” and selecting me as one of the 5 Blogs 'That Make You Think'! Second, I am sincerely appreciative to the creator of this award, Ilker Yoldas whose “aim at The Thinking Blog is to “offer content that is interesting, informative and could really help.” In the constant vast growing www, this ‘apple polishing’ award provides the opportunity to meet and find other Thinkers!
The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).
* First, the below list is in no specific order. Second, my Friends and your notable blogs – you know who you are - where you stand in my heart and admiration, therefore; I know you support me in introducing 5 additional admirable bloggers.
Therefore; with further excitement, I proudly present the 5 Blogs 'That Make Me Think' and bestow on them the Thinking Blogger Award

1. Mr. Positively's Website
Author of “What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror)"
The Slogan Of our Company Harmony Soup Inc. is, "EVERY CHILD DESERVES A TASTE OF HARMONY SOUP". “We at Harmony Soup INC feel that we have a responsibility to consciously participate in helping to create a safe and harmonious world for all children, and all mankind. We hope to do our part by planting a seed with a book written by Carla Jo Masterson.”
“What's On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror)" Book Description:
As I sat down to write this, my thoughts were of how I could speak to the world, picturing the entire world as being one child. Although our situations may be different, we all feel from the same place, from within our heart and emotions. Therefore, it is important for our children to understand that the feelings and emotions they experience are always meant for constructive reasons, instead of the destructive ones we sometimes feel.
With love and understanding, and with all of us working together, hand in hand, we can create a safe and harmonious place on our beautiful home we call Earth.
My deepest wish is that someday all violence will end with one great big "HUSH!"
2. on the black hand side
celebrating, entertaining and educating about Black life by VANESSA - Fiscal management professional, freelance writer, poet and activist.
It is a scratch pad where I can feature and review topics of interest to me, including, but not limited to, current affairs, information technology, web design and standards, new websites and projects, music, movies, events, photography, arts, (and a little sport) and cultural and fashion trends.
The {SubSet} culture
Do we really have a clearly identifiable and definable culture?
Or do we just like “doing stuff”?
Is doing whatever we do in a day, working, relaxing, dining, seeing movies, sports games, surfing the net, blogging even, or watching TV worthy of the label “culture”?
Actually I’m not really here to try and answer such a question but rather offer comment and opinion on what I do see around me. Calling it as I see it. It’s a big job but someone has to do it!
4. Carnival of Good Stuff
The Carnival of Good Stuff is a blog carnival that showcases blogs featuring personal stories of courage and hope and warmth and poignancy ... stories that move and inspire us. In short, all the good stuff that makes our lives and the lives of everyone around us better.
5. Journey with Water Learner
Let the shimmering waters be the calm reflective mirror. To see my hopes and fears. In doing so, set my vision right.
Congrats in receiving the award. As someone else said, you certainly deserve it!! I am so honored that you awarded it in return to my Carnival of Good Stuff. I accept it with a glad heart that someone does appreciate what I am trying to do with that carnival. I will mention this in the next edition on July 4.
Thank you so much!
Youa re much a thinker.
I love me some zephyr.
Thank you Zubli Zainordin and cooper!
Zubli Zainordin you are zorrific ! May the Spirit that unites us all continue to draw all closer toward understanding the true meaning and purpose of life!
cooper you are a True warrior for Humankind!
Congrats on your Thinking Blogger Award; you deserve it!
Thank you for the shout out; I am humbled and honored. Peace and Blessings.