I am Proud to receive the MOND AWARD in SILVER! The MOND Award is also known as the MOON AWARD, created by Jenny aka MONDFRAU, THE MOON LADY. Her many websites, “a PORTAL TO ALL her PROJECTS” can be easily translated from German to English via Google Translate, or any other preferred language. Her website projects are as vastly fascinating as Jenny aka MONDFRAU herself. Jenny is “1irresistibly attracted to journalism. For 40 years she was editor-in Linz, Salzburg, Steyr, Vienna and in Linz last as the 2nd Head of Service.” “2In addition to her job as a journalist., 35 years, she has experienced wonderful winter weeks in Bad Hofgastein in Salzburg as a skiing instructor.” Also; Jenny aka MONDFRAU is “3an evaluator for various Award Programs and Rating Indices. Judging websites since 2007 with a lot of empathy for every webmaster/ webmistress and has a good eye for his/ her work.”
Jenny aka MONDFRAU states that the MOND (MOON) AWARD is “4a very special honor for a web site and for the work associated with them, a visible acknowledgment of a webmaster's creativity, ideas and their realization of a goal.” Most importantly; with respect to COPPA - the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act; the MOND Award process consist of Rating & Levels (THE INTERNATIONAL VALUATION OF THE MOON AWARD), Criteria, Scoring, etc. These are like great feedback tools. If you want you can use the feedback to assist in where you may need to improve on your site’s layout and/or better emphasis the overall goal of your site. All this exuberant effort is made possible by Jenny aka MONDFRAU and her wonderful Team Evaluators of the MOND AWARD Program.
Recently I received this uplifting e-mail from Jenny aka MONDFRAU:
Dear Jeane Michelle,
It really is a wonderful adventure immerse in your website "Binding Ink with You" To write is vital as well as for you and your admirers and writers. You pack your poems and your writers views fine and cleanly in your blog, with a very graceful design. It is a special blog for thinking and writing people around the world. For your endless and beautiful work you are receiving today a special award:

We hope you enjoy it. Congratulations and keep up your great work.
Your site is listed now on the Silver Winners page of the MOND AWARD Program with a backlinked screenshot and a description.
Best wishes from Jenny aka MONDFRAU and team of the MOND AWARD Program
June 4, 2009

Belgica Excellence Index rating 8.5
Anubis Award Index A.A.I. rating level 5
AwardSites! rating level 4.0
WebsAwards rating level 4.0
WSAPTRONIC Award Index rating level 5.0
F.R.I. rating level 4.0
Diskus Award Index rating level 4.0
A.W.A.R.D. rating level 4.0
UWSAG rating level 2+
Silver Award: 80-89 Points:
To websites that are considered a valuable contribution to the internet community. A friendly design and navigation.
On a personal note; I want to Thank Jenny aka MONDFRAU for my MOND AWARD in SILVER, her splendid purpose for having this spectacular Award Program, the time involved that she; Jenny aka MONDFRAU and her team of the MOND AWARD Program invest, and for a special person such as herself in this Universe. Jenny has helped to restore my confidence in my site's Mission of being able to assist in supporting nondiscrimination around the World. May blessings in abundance be bestowed on Jenny aka MONDRAU and those in her life.
Forever Grateful,
Jean M. Culp (Michelle) aka ndpthepoetress - Jeane Michelle Culp
1. The Journalist
2. The Skiing Instrutor
3. Timelines
Jenny said...
Dear Michelle,
I am really speechless with admiration about your comments to the MOON AWARD in SILVER! Sometimes the winners of a MOON AWARD forget to say "Thank you" and I accept it. But I have never seen before such an almost unbelievable responce as yours. It is a great honor for me and for the MOON AWARD Program and I thank you most sincerely.
Hugs from
Jenny aka MOON LADY
ndpthepoetress - Jeane Michelle Culp said...
Jenny aka MOON LADY, Thank You for you kind comment! It is unfortunate that some People perhaps do not know the etiquette of acknowledging an award and crediting the Person for their hard work and creativity on their sites. This however; is the least I can do for you alls time involved, that is much appreciated. May the many phases of the moon continue to be liken a beacon of inspiration in your life Jenny, as your support constantly glistens with encouragement across many sites on the internet.
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